
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems

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Every year more than 370 million work-related injuries and illnesses occur worldwide. 


To provide safer and healthier work environments, preventing associated risks, it is recommended that your organization develops an occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS) based on the IRAM-ISO 45001 standard. 


It is the most effective way to demonstrate to your employees and customers your commitment to reduce accidents and staff turnoveras well as your compliance with legal requirements. 


Besides, our certification will allow you to achieve the international IQNet certification, thereby giving you a competitive advantage to access other markets. 

  • Improve corporate reputation. 
  • Develop and maintain a safety and health culture in the workplace. 
  • Increase your productivity levels. 
  • Reduce insurance costs 

Looking to implement and certify a management system? This video will explain it to you:

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