
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Operators

When organizations need to hire NDT operators, they look for professionals with our endorsement of their technical competencies. 

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Become a certified operator and demonstrate your knowledge, improving your employability. You will be able to comply with specific regulations and guarantee your qualification. 

Our group of experts developed a certification scheme of personal competences for NDT operators under IRAM-NM-ISO 9712 and IRAM-ISO/IEC 17024 standards, which has been accredited by the Organismo Argentino de Acreditación  (OAA) since 2004. 


Also, given the technical soundness of our services, we are part of the ICNDT – The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing, together with the Asociación Argentina de Ensayos no Destructivos y Estructurales (AAENDE). 


The certification will bring you the support of leading specialists in the field, thus enhancing your professional development and gaining access to the most demanding markets. 

  • Ensure your technical competencies   
  • Contribute to your professional development 
  • Improve your employability 

Looking to obtain certification of personal competencies? Let us explain it to you in this video