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Gonzalo Ares, responsible for the SGI (IMG or Integrated Management Systems) of GLOMAR S.A., an organization with an important background in the certification of ISO standards by IRAM, pointed out that our mark provides confidence and allows a better positioning in the market.
-You have recently achieved IRAM-ISO 45001 certification. What changes did you have to make to migrate from the British OHSAS 18001 standard to this other international standard?
-Migration to IRAM-ISO 45001 was a major challenge, but since we have a tri-standard integrated system (ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and previously OHSAS 18001 to migrate to ISO 45001), there were concepts that already existed in our management system, so it did not affect us significantly. It is worth mentioning that we also have the assistance of engineers Alfredo Escalona and Felisa Assirio (Andersen Ingeniería), who advise and collaborate with our company in the changes and improvements that arise in the reference standards for our Integrated Management System, contributing to its continuous improvement. IRAM-ISO 45001 simplifies and integrates several processes. For example, it dispenses with the obligation to have documented procedures, focusing on the search for objective evidence, as we had been developing it under ISO 9001 and 14001, as far as Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is concerned.
Compared to OHSAS 18001, the implementation of IRAM-ISO 45001 places more emphasis on the consultation and participation of workers, with more requirements, as well as on contractors and hired services.
-Do you consider the possibility offered by IRAM-ISO 45001 standard in terms of integration with other international standards to be useful? In what sense?
-We started certifying ISO 9001 several years ago and we have been integrating new standards due to the conviction of the company’s management on the importance of having standardized and consistent services with respect to OHS and environmental protection. Our CEO’s intention is to always provide an excellent service both for our customers and for those of us who are part of the organization. For this reason, we consider the integration with other international standards very important, since we understand that the company’s activities are interrelated.
-What specific benefits does this certification bring you? What impact do you think it has on the organization’s image?
–For some time now, we have understood that the standards we have been implementing are not only to be complied with, but that their implementation favors and makes us understand that occupational accidents and related illnesses have a strong impact on performance, not only of the company in terms of its image and reputation, but also on the integrity of the people and their families, whose stories are also known to us, given the size of the company. Certification to this standard not only has a positive impact on the company’s image, but also gives us a competitive advantage over other companies in the industry. Although obtaining the certifications is increasingly considered as a necessary requirement to access different important customers who have already implemented Integrated Management Systems, our services also favor and facilitate the management of those customers who in principle do not require it, but who, in the long run, want to ensure a service of excellence and committed to the health and safety of their employees.
-What occupational health and safety processes have been improved as a result of the application of this standard?
–Processes are more planned, organized and controlled. The process of consultation and participation of workers improved, incorporating, among other issues, a better analysis of the context and interested parties with a more focused approach to OHS, giving them a leading role so that they can collaborate and suggest improvements for the organization, as well as in relation to the link with the customer.
-Did you have to add training for the personnel? What did it consist of?
-In line with the previous question, we were able to encourage the participation of the personnel during the training, obtaining greater proactivity in terms of the scope of the service regarding occupational health and safety.
-Why do you choose IRAM’s services? What added value do you consider IRAM’s mark brings?
-Working with IRAM is, first of all, working with an institution of reference and recognition not only at the national level, but also internationally, which gives us a lot of confidence, since we have learned from IRAM throughout the audits we have carried out, and this has helped us improve. Besides, we know that certifying with IRAM gives us guarantee and recognition, and allows us to position ourselves better and obtain a competitive advantage in the market.
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